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Success for GEV Wind Power at the WiME Event in Grimsby

GEV had a wonderful time inspiring young girls and women to think about careers in renewable energy!

A big thank you to the organisers and everyone who attended the WiME (Women into Manufacturing & Engineering) event in Grimsby last Thursday.

GEV took the brilliant opportunity to make a real difference to hundreds of girls, their teachers and parents. The discussions that took place and the level of interest from the girls blew us away.
There will be a more in depth analysis of the feedback over the coming weeks but in the interim here are a few initial points.

  • 350+ school girls
  • 12 schools
  • 77 girls with their parents
  • As well as many mature ladies

“Early feedback from students at the schools event suggests that over a third weren’t thinking about a role in manufacturing and engineering before the event and now they are. This is a massive achievement and is due to the amazing interactions they had with teams on the day. For the girls who had already been considering manufacturing and engineering as a career route, their feedback included comments such as “I am a lot clearer on my options”, “there was a wider variety of opportunities than I thought” and “I know more about my routes to get a job”. Again, this is really positive feedback.”  – Chair, Kirsty Clode on behalf of the WiME Steering Group

GEV look forward to attending the next WiME event at the Baths Hall, Scunthorpe on Tuesday 3rd March 2020, with more information being released closer to the date.