wind turbine maintenance, wind blade technician, wind turbine blade maintenance

2020 for GEV Wind Power

GEV Wind Power operating in the energy sector are seen as a critical business to ensure we literally keep the lights on during the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation has highlighted our need for a secure electricity infrastructure as workplaces, classrooms, gym classes and more head online to continue their engagement with the population, on top of our everyday usage. At the same time, the environmentally positive effects of the lockdown over a relatively short period of time, cannot be ignored. It is therefore paramount that the renewable sector is able to step up to match this demand and continue towards the goal of generating as much clean energy as possible. We are proud to be part of this transition and supporting the sustainability of our lifestyles.

Naturally, for this reason our clients are keen to ensure that their assets continue to produce renewable energy in these times when we need it most. At GEV, we are determined to support them to help keep blades spinning and we remain able to act quickly and effectively continuing to provide reliable, expert maintenance of wind turbines around the globe.

GEV Wind Power is planning for an increase in activity in the upcoming months and have already secured a number of large projects from OEM’s and park owners throughout 2020. The locations of these projects are spread across the USA, UK and Europe. We expect to see a significant increase in demand specifically from June 2020 onwards and very much look forward to working with our business partners to successfully execute these works.

GEV continue to recruit with a close eye on health and safety, ensuring our processes, projects and technical teams strictly follow the latest safety guidelines. Our excellent QHSE standards have enabled us to actively respond and implement new guidelines as the situation develops. As we closely monitor the status of the pandemic, our priority remains putting the safety of our teams above all else.